List of volcanoes in Iceland


This is a list of active and extinct volcanoes in Iceland. Iceland has about 130 volcanic mountains, of which 18 have erupted since the settlement of Iceland, circa 900 CE.



Name Elevation (m) Elevation (ft) Coordinates Last eruption VEI Notes
Askja 1516 4974 1961 5
Bárðarbunga 2005 6515 1903
Brennisteinsfjöll 626 2054 1341 (± 1 year) 2
Eldfell 279 915 1973 3 Vestmannaeyjar island of Heimaey
Eldgjá fissure system ca 800 ca 2625 934 6
Esjufjöll 1760 5774 1927
Eyjafjallajökull 1666 5466 2010 4
Fremrinámur 939 3081 800 BC (± 300 years)
Grensdalur 497 1631 dormant Active during Pleistocene
Grímsnes 214 702 ~3500 BC 3
Grímsvötn 1725 5659 2011 4
Hekla 1491 4892 2000 3
Hengill 803 2634 90 AD (± 100 years) 2
Herðubreið 1682 5518 Dormant Active during Pleistocene
Hofsjökull 1782 5846 Dormant Active during Holocene
Hrómundartindur 540 1772 10000 BP
Hverfjall 420 1378 ~500 BC
Hveravellir 1360 4462 950 AD ± 50 years 6
Jólnir 70* 230* 1966 This vent of Surtsey has since

eroded to below sea level

Katla 1512 4961 1918 5 (usually) erupts after an

eruption of Eyjafjallajökull

Kerlingarfjöll 1488 4882 dormant Active during Holocene
Kolbeinsey ridge 5 16 1999 [1]
Kollóttadyngja 1177 3825 unknown
Krafla 650 2133 1984 4
Krýsuvík 379 1243 ~1340 2
Krakatindur 300 984 unknown
Kverkfjöll 1920 6299 1968 1
Laki 1725 5606 1783-84 6
Langjökull 1360 4462 925 AD (± 25 years)
Loki-Fögrufjöll 1570 5151 1910
Ljósufjöll 988 3241 960 AD (± 10 years) 3
Lýsuhóll 540+ 1772+ dormant Active during Holocene
Öræfajökull 2119 6952 1727 5
Prestahnúkur 1386 4504 7550 BC (± 500 years)
Reykjanes 230 755 1879
Reykjaneshryggur -80 -262 1970(?)
Snæfellsjökull 1448 4751 200 AD (± 150 years) 2
Surtsey 174 571 1963 Westman Islands

Vestmannaeyjar island

Theistareykjarbunga 564 1850 750 BC (± 100 years)
Thordarhyrna 1910 4
Thórólfsfell 574 1883 unknown
Tindfjallajökull 1463 4800 dormant Active during Holocene
Tjörnes fracture zone —150 —500 1868
Torfajökull 1259 4131 1477 3
Tungnafellsjökull 1535 5036 dormant Active during Holocene
Vatnafjöll 1235 4052 750 AD (± 1000 years)

Volcanic zones and systems

Iceland has four volcanic zones: Reykjanes (Reykjanes Ridge, the Mid-Atlantic Ridge South of Iceland), West and North Volcanic Zones (RVZ, WVZ, NVZ) and the East Volcanic Zone (EVZ), (Westman Islands). The Mid-Iceland Belt (MIB) connects them across central Iceland. There are two intraplate belts too (Öræfajökull (ÖVB) and Snæfellsnes (SVB)). [2][3] North of Iceland the Mid-Atlantic Ridge is called Kolbeinsey Ridge.

The central volcanoes (Iceland's East Volcanic Zone (EVZ)), Vonarskarð and Hágöngur belong to the same volcanic system, this also applies to Bárðarbunga and Hamarinn, and Grímsvötn and Þórðarhyrna.[4] It is proposed that the line Grímsvötn volcano, Mid-Iceland Belt (MIB) to Snæfellsnes volcanic belt shows the movement of the North American Plate over the Iceland hotspot.[5]

Volcanic Zone Volcanic System Name of central volcano
of the volcanic system
1 RVZ Reykjanes/Svartsengi void
2 RVZ Krýsuvík void
3 RVZ Brennisteinsfjöll void
4 WVZ Hengill Hengill
5 WVZ Hrómundartindur void
6 WVZ Grímsnes void
7 WVZ Geysir void
8 WVZ Prestahnúkur Prestahnúkur
9 WVZ Hveravellir Hveravellir
10 MIB Hofsjökull Hofsjökull/Kerlingarfjöll
11 MIB Tungnafellsjökull Tungnafellsjökull/Hágöngur
12 EVZ Vestmannaeyjar
(Westman Islands)
13 EVZ Eyjafjallajökull Eyjafjallajökull
14 EVZ Katla Katla
15 EVZ Tindfjöll Tindfjöll
16 EVZ Hekla-Vatnafjöll Hekla
17 EVZ Torfajökull Torfajökull
18 EVZ Bárðarbunga-Veiðivötn Bárðarbunga/Hamarinn
19 EVZ Grímsvötn Grímsvötn/Thórdarhyrna
# EVZ (Central volcanoes, as well) (Vonarskard/Hágöngur)[4]
20 NVZ Kverkfjöll Kverkfjöll
21 NVZ Askja Askja
22 NVZ Fremrinámur void
23 NVZ Krafla Krafla
24 NVZ Theistareykir void
25 ÖVB Öræfajökull Öræfajökull
26 ÖVB Esjufjöll Snæhetta
27 ÖVB Snæfell Snæfell
28 SVB Ljósufjöll void
29 SVB Helgrindur (Lýsuskarð) void
30 SVB Snæfellsjökull Snæfellsjökull

See also


  1. ^
  2. ^ T. Thordarson and G. Larsen (January 2007). "Volcanism in Iceland in historical time: Volcano types, eruption styles and eruptive history". Journal of Geodynamics 43 (1): 118–152. doi:10.1016/j.jog.2006.09.005. 
  3. ^ Jóhannesson, H.; Sæmundsson, K. (1998). Geologic Map of Iceland, 1:500,000. Bedrock Geology. Icelandic Institute of Natural History and Iceland Geodetic Survey, Reykjavík. 
  4. ^ a b Gudmundsson, Magnús T.; Thórdís Högnadóttir (January 2007). "Volcanic systems and calderas in the Vatnajökull region, central Iceland: Constraints on crustal structure from gravity data". Journal of Geodynamics 43 (1): 153–169. doi:10.1016/j.jog.2006.09.015. 
  5. ^ W. Jason Morgan and Jason Phipps Morgan. Plate velocities in hotspot reference frame: electronic supplement. pp. 111. Retrieved 2010-04-23.